Friday, April 18, 2014

Field Visit - Urban

Yesterday I had my first field visit to see how Grameen Bank replicates micro-finance in urban area. Since Grameen Bank is allowed to have micro finance operations only in the rural area, other MFIs (Microfinance institutions) replicate the methodology in the urban area with the help of Grameen Trust. 

I visited DSK, one of these MFIs. I had been first at the branch and later we went to the Center, which is in the house of one of the borrowers. The Center meeting is where usually women meet to pay the installments and make a new loan proposal. 

They shared with me good examples such one of ladies that had more than one successful business (computer and grocery store). Other one had a large outstanding loan comparing to the others because she had invested in a electric tools shop. 

Also I was happy to listen stories about improvement of independence of these women regarding family and making their own decisions, such as starting savings for their children and buying clothes without permission of their husbands.

Center Meeting
DSK Branch

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