Wednesday, April 16, 2014

About this Blog

I am writing this blog to share my experience in Bangladesh mainly for people interested in Microfinance and Social Business.

This is my first blog and I appreciate Prof. Nino Vaccaro's help, who is a great professor and researcher about ethics and social entrepreneurship at IESE, and stimulated me to share my experience.

I also would like to thank to Prof. Dodero who greatly encouraged me to come to Bangladesh and Federica Massa Saluzzo, PHD student at IESE, who had also traveled to Bangladesh a couple of years ago and shared her experiences with me.

One more person very important in the process was Nazrul I Chowdhury, who had worked 15 years at Grameen Bank and, since he was in Spain, shared his experience with me and also helped me with the visa process. 

Grameen Bank is founded by Prof. Muhammad Yunus, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance in 2006. 

Additionally if you want any other information about Dhaka or the training, just email me. I will be happy  to help. 

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