Thursday, April 17, 2014

Arriving in Dhaka, Bangladesh- April 12th

I was coming from Barcelona and had stopped in Istanbul for 3 days in my friend's house, and I was very happy with  the experience there, feeling like to come back soon! Thanks to my great friend Duygu who arranged everything for me! 
@Bebek -Istanbul

My flight took around 9 hours and was not full. I even had a empty seat by my side! To enter in Dhaka, Brazilians need a Visa. which I had got in Spain. 
The immigration line for foreigners was a little bit slow. The crowd waiting for luggage reminded me Brazilian airports.

I was anxious in the line to see if the person from the hotel would be waiting for me there. And Thanks God he was !

After leaving the airport, I felt the heat. It was hot at 6 am. There were no traffic jam but the driver was honking all the time… They love honks!  

Even though I knew I was going to one of the poorest countries in the world* and I had seen a lot of favelas and beggars in Brazil, I was impressed by the poor landscape on my way.

Unfortunately I have only one picture from my arrival.. 

 According to the Word bank, in 2010, Bangladesh had 43% of the population living with less than $1,25 a day . This was the highest percentage in South Asia ( India for instance was 32,7%) . 

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