Saturday, April 19, 2014

14th Yunus Centre Social Business Design Lab

Today I have been in the 14th Yunus Centre Social Business Design Lab moderated by Prof. Muhammad Yunus.  This event happens once a month, where several entrepreneurs can present their business plan. Representatives from Yunus Centre, Grameen Trust and other Grameen affiliates participate discussing about the business opportunities.  

After presentations, group meetings take place to discuss the business plan individually. I joined one of them and it was very interesting. The goal of the meeting is to understand better the idea, recommend or not the project to be approved or propose improvements in the business plan for a new presentation. 

Today 5 from 6 projects were approved to go ahead in the process of fund raising. Most of the projects are local business, such as pharmacy, accessories, handcrafts. Today there was also a foreigner team presenting.  The idea of this team is exporting unique Bangladeshi handcraft products to Europe and the USA, helping to develop tribal communities in rural Bangladesh. 

Besides the great opportunity of attending the Social Lab and understand how Yunus Social Business select the projects, we had the honour to meet Prof. Yunus.  A lot of people wanted to make pictures with him. He is very gentle and nice, responding everybody's requirements. 

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